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How to Fill out the Expenses Section (subtraction from totals method)

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  • Fill in the Personnel Expenses section.
  • Fill in these three lines in Non-Personnel Expenses: Occupancy, Interest Expense, Depreciation.
  • All remaining expenses from your financial documentation will go in the Non-Personnel Expenses not Included Above line.
    • To arrive at this number most easily, subtract the total of what you have already entered from your total expenses and enter the difference in Non-Personnel Expenses not Included Above.
    • For Cultural Data Profiles that have over $50K in expenses, keep in mind that you will do this for each functional expense category to arrive at the Non-Personnel Expenses Not Included Above line for your organization's Program, Management and General, and Fundraising Expenses.
  • Enter your Non-Operating Expenses, if you have them.
Where did all the expense lines go?
As a part of the streamline process, we have eliminated any lines that were not specifically being used by grantmakers or for research purposes.



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